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Website QC Form SOP 

1 min read

Website QC Form SOP 


During the Onboarding Call, we need to clearly establish that the IntakeEmail/Emails where the leads will be sent and the client needs to monitor that email for leads. 


Quality Control Procedure: 

  1. Need to confirm the client intake email in the Client Master Sheet.

If the intake email is not in the Client Master Sheet check in the Intake pdf. 

  1. Verify the email is represented on the site and if the forms are directed to it. 
  2. Test all forms in the website and make sure that the client receives the test submissions, add a note in the Website Email QC 2nd tab of the Website Service Tracker column E that a test email was sent.  Any broken form should be recorded in the Client’s QC sheet. 
  3. Use templated email to confirm with the client if they have received the test email.
  4. If the client did not receive the forms, we create a ticket in to fix the issue. 
  5. Once resolved, test the forms again and send an email to the client verifying they received the 2nd test email. 
  6. Once verified, we need to add in the Website Email QC 2nd tab of the Website Service Tracker column F a note that the test email is sent and email is verified. 



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