GBP Video Optimization #
Make sure your videos meet the following requirements:
- Duration: Up to 90 seconds long
- File size: Up to 75 MB
- Resolution: 720p or higher
- Choose the best video that represents your client’s Law Firm.
- Video file name must be optimized according to images optimization KW-City-State-Zip
- Cut or Trim the video into 90 seconds according to the new Google Standard features for video size.
- Upload the video to every client GBP Profile.
YT Video Optimization #
Step 1. Preps #
Check Intake Forms to see if there is a YouTube Channel existing and, if so, check for the login details. #
Double check Client Existing YT Channel via Search on YouTube using their Official Brand Name
Create Official YT Channel for those clients that have no existing YT Channel using their Google account which can be found in the Master Sheet.
Optimize and Publish YT channel by adding description, keywords, Links and accurate NAP to the about section. Note – (Add appropriate YT Logo) – Use this sheet
Proceed with Optimization..
Step 2. Optimization #
- Choose your keywords wisely – Select the “Primary keyword” that represents the client best Practice.
- Include keywords in the title of the video – Title Max 100 Characters.
- Include keywords in the video file
- Optimize your description – Description Max to 5000 Characters. NAP must be included at the bottom of the description.
- Add tags to the video – Tags Max to 500 Characters. Use client keywords to add in the tags section.
- Use video hashtags – Add video hashtags using the keywords and Business name at the top of the description. At Least 3 hashtags
- Select a video category – Peoples and Blogs or Education
- Use eye-catching thumbnails – (Optional)
- Set video location. Sample – Orlando, FL
Note – Always communicate with the Content Team Department for Title and Video Description. There are videos that have no video title and description, so we need the content team to transcribe the video title and description based on the content of the video that the client sent us. Tag Erin and Daria on whatever video is tasked out on Teamwork.
Step 3. Updates #
- Post update on TW after video is uploaded, optimized and Tag Daria & Erin via comments.
- Post an update on Slack and notify/tag the Social media team or web development team to be aware that the video is ready to grab from YT to upload to the website.
- Follow up incoming new videos from the client by communicating with the client success manager.
NOTE – Refer to the CSM File to know where to get updates on video.
Prepared By: Elmer Suan